Hi Everyone,
It was such a pleasure to see so many of you at our inaugural online workshop yesterday! A special thanks to Alejandro—for his talent, humor, and tremendous energy. Applause!
Now here are my questions: What else would you like to see from Las Dos Brujas Newsletter? More workshops? If so, what kind? Generative? Craft-focused? Mentoring opportunities? Zoom Q & As? Author visits? Other literary opportunities?
Please let me know by posting your suggestions in the comments section, and I’ll try to incorporate your ideas in the months ahead. This is an evolving space in which you have a say. All feedback is welcome.
Thanks—and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
PS: I’m going to take a break from writing prompts for a bit—and, hopefully, open it up to others soon. In the meanwhile, please feel free to review the 60 prompts already posted.
Thank you so much, Christina and Alejandro. The map activity generated so many thoughts for me. Ive been fleshing a poem out since then. I would love more opportunities to be encouraged to write. Generative workshops rock!
Hi Cristina: Thank you so much for this workshop with Alejandro. I would look forward to more generative or craft workshops, author talks and lit opportunities. Thank you again!