Hi Everyone,
Many years ago, poet Camille Dungy witnessed a horrible bus accident in England. She wanted to write about it but couldn’t find a voice for her own “Requiem” until she heard a live performance of Mozart’s.
Here’s her poem:
YOUR PROMPT: Please listen to Mozart’s Requiem (below) when you have a stretch of quiet time. Receive it for yourself, for the world(s) you’re in the midst of creating. What does it stir up? What does it enable you to finally say?
Wow! This poem somehow manages to hold both the horrific and the beautiful within it, a metaphor for what life is often like.
If I listen to music as I write, my writing follows whatever mood that music brings me to. I have to be cognizant of what I'm listening to and what I'm trying to write. I can't be listening to Willy Chirino when I'm trying to write a funeral scene...know what I mean!
I LOVE this prompt and can't wait to listen to this!!! I often write with music, and wan't wait to see how this plays out!