Hi Everyone,
I’m sharing a recent page of editing from my novel after 2 1/2 + years of it being ‘in-progress’ (see below). In short: the editing never ends! The closer you get to finishing, the more connections you make, the more ‘Aha!” moments surface, the more you need to make sure that your story is singing, line by line.
YOUR PROMPT: Choose 2-3 pages of work that you think are finished, or close to finished. Take a deep breath, pencil in hand, and read it slowly aloud. Put the changes in. Repeat. Keep doing this until every sentence sings.
Good luck!
Thanks, Cristina, this is so helpful as I dive into the second draft of Liliana and the Kid!
I seem to be learning this every day! It's like writng in waves: waves, waves, and waves of editing and editing....thanks for sharing. I was wondering if it's only me, but it seems that this IS the process of wriitng. Edit, edit, then edit again. (Though maybe not so many times with a post!)