Writing prompt #66: THE PERSISTENT DEAD
Hi Everyone,
Someone pointed out to me recently that all my novels (and plays) feature, at minimum, one or two ghosts who refuse to stay fully dead. I can’t deny it! My just-finished book features my most voluble dead person yet!
Questions: What role do the dead play in your stories? What influence are they still exerting on the living? Are their survivors disputing the legacy of the dearly, or not-so-dearly, departed? Do the deceased themselves ever manage to get a word in edgewise?
This could be a thinking prompt but if you want something more concrete to work with, try this:
YOUR PROMPT: Set a new scene in a cemetery, perhaps at a burial or a funeral—or even long after a death. Have one of your characters spark an argument with the deceased (or vice versa). Compose it as dialogue, as precisely as possible. Who gets the last word? Try 1-2 pages to start.
Have fun with this!