Hi Everyone,
I wanted to pass along a few more ideas on structure from my teaching notes then offer you a writing prompt to (preliminarily) help organize your work.
Structure is essentially the art of ebb and flow.
Learn how to build and release momentum by studying musical models, e.g. symphonies.
Move from essential to essential.
Write charged scenes in whatever order they come to you. You can always sequence them later.
Keep in mind: What is your story building toward?
Sift in news stories and cultural history set in the time period of your work to flesh out context.
YOUR PROMPT: Distill your story to its 15 most crucial scenes or movements. (Think musical ebb and flow.) Describe each of these movements in no more than 2-3 sentences. Read them aloud. Can you build these scenes further? Any reshuffling needed? What is superfluous here? What’s missing? Now return to your work and write another draft.
Happy (re)writing!
I love this prompt!