The Pink Motel and Twig were two favorites.

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Phantom Tollbooth!

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I fell in love with that one as adult, reading it to my daughter! ☺️

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* as an

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James and the Giant Peach and Where the Red Fern Grows both made a big impression on me when I was a child with their lessons of loss and displacement. To this day I think of them often.

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My daughter loved James and the Giant Peach! At the time, I could almost recite it by heart ... Thanks for sharing!

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When I was five-ish and learning to read in Cuba, I was given a copy of Había Una Vez and I was hooked. It’s the first book I remember reading cover to cover by myself—over and over again.

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That's the other thing about reading as children--our utter devotion to the books we love, so much so that we read them countless times. Thanks for sharing!

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My parents gave me two books that opened the universe to me A aChild’s History of the World and A Child’s Grography of the World. These carried me through time and space!

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How wonderful! Such an amazing invitation to the universe ...

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I read fairy tales. One of my favorite memories is of walking with Mami on a snowy day to the Humboldt Park branch of the Chicago Public Library. There were several shelves of fairy tales from around the world. Mami would help me carry the books home, about two miles. She was happy because she loved snow and loved to walk being from el campo and I was happy because I had found more volumes of fairytales.

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I LOVE this story! Libraries played a big role in my childhood, too. I read A Wrinkle in Time for my local library's kid book club when I was eight,

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