Alas, I don't always get to write following them - but they are inspiring and take my phantasy in different directions.
I'm a German native and write in German. since 1992 I live in California, on and off, back and forth and so goes my language. Back and forth. I write in German but also ramble and dabble in English. Just yesterday I thought that I am "eine Sprachverwirrte" - a linguistically confused woman. "Sprachconfused" was the composita - it is a German speciality is to build words out of several - that popped up in my mind.
I'm part of a writing group, in which besides me, there are two other bilingual writer. Gio, a writer who spikes his pieces with Spanish words (which is delightful) and another Danish writer who has yet to give us some taste of her Danish.
In my writing I sometimes translate English pieces into German and German pieces into English. is my best friend. I find each language informs my thinking in different ways.
Liebe Christina,
first I would like to thank you for your prompts.
Alas, I don't always get to write following them - but they are inspiring and take my phantasy in different directions.
I'm a German native and write in German. since 1992 I live in California, on and off, back and forth and so goes my language. Back and forth. I write in German but also ramble and dabble in English. Just yesterday I thought that I am "eine Sprachverwirrte" - a linguistically confused woman. "Sprachconfused" was the composita - it is a German speciality is to build words out of several - that popped up in my mind.
I'm part of a writing group, in which besides me, there are two other bilingual writer. Gio, a writer who spikes his pieces with Spanish words (which is delightful) and another Danish writer who has yet to give us some taste of her Danish.
In my writing I sometimes translate English pieces into German and German pieces into English. is my best friend. I find each language informs my thinking in different ways.
Viele Grüße und bis bald,
Wonderful to hear from you, Jeannette! Thanks for sharing your process. I suspect you have much to offer as "eine Sprachverwirrte."